Institutional Prospects and Challenges to Transdisciplinary Approach in the Knowledge Production System of Vietnam: Reflections on a North-South Partnership Project


  • Nguyen Minh Doi Ho Chi Minh City Open University



Transdisciplinarity, Institutional Interplay, Knowledge Production System, Vietnam


Drawing on neo-institutionalism in policy studies, this paper aims to demonstrate that transdisciplinarity is a new logic that could challenge the existing institutional logic of the knowledge production system in Vietnam. This institutional interplay is examined by analyzing the institutional response, interactions, and choices of stakeholders participating in an EU Erasmus+ Capacity Building Project. The analysis shows that the transdisciplinarity concept can be used as a potential framework for the develop- ment path of the dominant logic characterized by the shift from a traditional statist to a market-oriented model for knowledge production. Nevertheless, there are challenges like power relations in the interplay processes among actors who try to reproduce existing institutional logic and those who support transdisciplinary logic, as well as regarding relevant decision-makers to make institutional choices. The discussion shows that when applying transdisciplinarity, one should consider the motivation and barriers regarding state control, transdisciplinary readiness, hybrid models, funding, and experience.

Author Biography

Nguyen Minh Doi, Ho Chi Minh City Open University

Nguyen Minh Doi is a lecturer at the Faculty of Economics and Public Management, Ho Chi Minh City Open University, Vietnam. His research interests include public policy, local governance, and development.


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