Malaysia-News - eine Facebook-Gruppe: Ein Erfahrungsbericht in Social Media Nutzung


  • Gerhard Berka Austrian-Malaysian Society



Facebook, Malaysia, Movement Control Order, Online Research, Social Media


This paper deals with a Facebook-group named Malaysia-News. This group was founded in August 2019 and saw a rapid increase in members, especially in Southeast Asia. The analysis of the development of this group is based on data from Facebook and concerns the expansion of membership and the motivation to join. It shows that membership increased significantly after incisive events took place in Malaysia in early 2020 and that users are primarily looking for trustworthy information.

Author Biography

Gerhard Berka, Austrian-Malaysian Society

Gerhard Berka is President of the Austrian-Malaysian Society in Vienna, Austria. He has a Ph.D. in Sociology and Economics and has lectured at the University of Economics in Vienna. He carries out research in the fields of innovation, international scientific cooperation and management, organic production, and renewable energy. 


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Network Southeast Asia