Female Solo Travel Experiences: An Autoethnography on Social and Emotional Challenges With Tourism Industry Stakeholders
Autoethnography, Female Solo Travel, Malaysia, Tourism Stakeholders, Women EmpowermentAbstract
Solo travel can contribute to women’s social and psychological empowerment, aligning with the broader goal of promoting gender equality and women’s empowerment within the tourism industry. However, there is a lack of studies grounded in personal experiences investigating the challenges and constraints of female solo travelers during interactions with tourism stakeholders. This research note presents an autoethnographic study conducted in Penang, Malaysia, by the first author, documenting and analyzing her personal encounters and emotions during solo travel experiences. The study combines both evocative and analytical autoethnography. Employing an evocative autoethnographic approach extracted three main themes related to emotions: disgust and loneliness, unwantedness and defectiveness, and stress and fear. Through an analytical lens, the study further identifies and examines
the inadequacy of social-emotional expertise among tourism stakeholders, particularly concerning women’s empowerment and gender equality. Consequently, the study advocates for targeted interventions to enhance tourism stakeholders’ social-emotional proficiency. It posits that training and fostering awareness can mitigate gender stereotypes entrenched within societies. This research thus offers valuable insights into the complexities of gender dynamics within the realm of solo travel, emphasizing the pivotal role of tourism industry stakeholders in shaping female solo travelers’ perceptions and experiences.
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