Vol. 8 No. 1 (2015): Food Sovereignty

The current ASEAS issue presents various approaches to food sovereignty – as a political struggle as well as daily practices. Throughout the last decades, agricultural transformations have turned Southeast Asia from a food-insecure region into one characterized by high export sales in staple foods as well as investments in modern food systems. Despite the region’s achievements in food security, it is increasingly confronted with new challenges regarding the quality and the social distribution of foods. This issue aims to explore different struggles for what we may broadly call food sovereignty, based on a methodological reflection on ‘actors’ and empirical studies into such diverse settings as a remote peasant community in Indonesia, soup-pot restaurants in Phnom Penh, and a network of activists in the Northeast of Thailand promoting alternative forms of agriculture.
Guest Editors: Christiane Voßemer, Judith Ehlert
Managing Editors: Michelle Proyer, Ralph Guth
Cover Photo: Simon Benedikter
Layout: Thomas Gimesi